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Join our Research Panel

Veteran ReseArch Panel

If you are a U.S. Military Veteran, and would like to join our research panel, please join via the login area below:

Join Our Panel: New Participants Login Here

How the panel works:

  • As a member of our panel you will be part of a community of U.S. Veterans who share their thoughts and opinions and in return are compensated
  • Topics include scientific research topics, world issues, product opinions
  • Let Your Voice Be Heard! Veterans are an underrepresented group in both scientific research and market research, contribute to giving voice to your concerns and opinions!
  • Most surveys are 10 minutes in length
  • Compensation credits to your profile shortly after completing a survey
  • Compensation is via PayPal, Amazon Gift Cards, or Google Pay; amount compensated to participants varies by each survey event, for example number of questions asked of participants
  • It is 100% free to join the panel
  • You get to choose what surveys you complete
  • No obligation to participate 
  • After you register with the panel you will received email invitations to qualifying surveys, making your voice heard in government, industry, and scientific research
  • Your first survey is generally assigned within 2-3 weeks of joining our research panel, however you could receive an invite right away depending on your profile and current research requirements
  • Your information is secure - you and your privacy are important

Current Panel Member Login: