Jackson Research Institute was created to promote qualitative and quantitative science as tools to help society. Our team of professional research scientists have expertise in diverse areas of science used to help organizations, promote business growth, and help individuals succeed.
Helping Veterans Succeed
In 2017, we started a research panel focused on U.S. Military Veterans. The purpose of this panel is to help veterans with actual research related to business and aspects of veteran leadership and employment within society. We also help other scientists gain access to the veteran population to extend their research.
If you are a U.S. Military Veteran, please consider joining our research panel via the navigation bar, Join Our Research Panel area, at the top center of this page.
Helping Scientists Succeed
In 2018, we will offer an Institutional Review Board (IRB) to provide U.S.-based scientists with research review and IRB services.
If you are a Research Scientist, and are interested in IRB or other services, please contact us via the navigation bar, Contact Us+ area, in the upper-right of the page.
Helping Businesses Succeed
We also provide focused consultation with business and industry, related to scientific research that can promote continuous improvement within the business environment.
If you are a business, and are interested in consultant services, please contact us via the navigation bar, Contact Us+ area, in the upper-right of the page.